#Monk brewmaster rotation free#
Professions like leatherworking are literally useless by now, you can literally get better gear by doing normal content like raiding or dungeons.īest Professions For Monk – Get Free Best Professions For Monk now and use Best Professions For Monkimmediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. Then again I know several well trained LW/Skinners in my guild, and my sister has one with pretty much every recipe in the book, so I don’t really need the professions, apart from having the achie for them and completionism.īest profession for a monk? – Enchanting cause you’ll need it and it can be expensive to always buy new enchantments for new gear, tailoring just to loot cloth to make greens or blue gear or even epic gear to disenchant them for mats. I still need a Skinner/LW to complete my stable of having all professions available to me, and the toon I have with that combo is currently my bulk banker (hunter level 25 ish) I’m not planning on doing anything with. Farming mats and levelling profs is a lot easier at end level due to flying/instance farming. Send the mats to a bank alt and use or sell them when you’ve made up your mind. Don’t waste time/resources on crafting profs before they grant you any perks. Get gathering profs while levelling (skinning and herb are my favourites). Which professions would you guys go with (can be something besides LWing or Alchemy if you have any recommendations) ? My current 525 alchemist is a transmute master. I have a 525 Skinner and Herbalist, basically I’m just stuck on what would be the best profession to pick. Leatherworking or Alchemy? I have basically every profession to a decently high level except Inscription and Leatherworking (both sitting roughly under 300). Which professions would you pick for a Monk?

Personally myself I am going JC/Alch for bonus on flasks and transmute and to cut my own gems. Unless that bonus +stats means that much to you or if your a tank and want to have abit more flexibility with your gemming pick what you feel is most fun/beneficial to you. Honestly unless your in a top guild competing for world firsts min/maxing is kind of pointless. You do get the bonus stats from BS right now do to epic gems. While Soul Dance itself was not modified, the reduction of Brewmasters' base from 30% to 20% and the removal of the Stagger-increasing component of were strong indirect nerfs to what was already considered the weakest talent in the row.All professions minus the gathering are pretty much on par with each other.
#Monk brewmaster rotation Patch#
The arrival of Patch 6.2.0 was not kind to Soul Dance. Soul Dance was nonetheless generally considered inferior to in most of the raid encounters of Tier 17, although it found a niche in encounters with heavy magic damage such as Flamebender Ka'graz. Unlike and which changed the Brewmaster rotation somewhat, Soul Dance effectively allowed the Brewmaster to continue using the same rotation he or she would have used in Tier 16. Soul Dance was introduced with in Patch 6.0.2 as a passive ability that would provide a simple additional magic damage mitigation tool powered by maintenance of Shuffle. Soul Dance is a level 100 monk talent, available only to Brewmaster monks, added in Warlords of Draenor.